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Code of Conduct Policy


The Kuna Police Activities League (KPAL) is committed to the highest ideals of sport and expects all athletes and parents to honor the following code:

I will practice good sportsmanship.
I will act in ways that bring respect to me, my coaches, my team, and KPAL.
I will not swear, body shame, bully or insult other persons.
I will not fight with other athletes, coaches, officials, or staff.
I will train regularly.
I will learn and follow the rules of the game.
I will listen to my coaches and the officials and will ask questions respectfully when I do not understand.
I will always try my best during training and competitions.
I will not make inappropriate or unwanted physical, verbal, or sexual advances on others.
I will not possess or use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.
I will wear the appropriate KPAL uniform and/or appropriate needed attire when a uniform is unavailable.
I will not take drugs for the purpose of improving my performance.
I will obey all laws and rules governing the play of soccer as prescribed by KPAL and US Youth Soccer.

By registering for KPAL, you understand that if I do not obey this Code of Conduct, you will be subject to a range of consequences as determined appropriate by the Coach or the Soccer Commissioner. Any violation in the Code may result in disciplinary action. Examples of disciplinary actions include but are not limited to not being allowed to participate in training or games; temporary or involuntary suspension from KPAL membership; or involuntary release from KPAL.

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